The characteristics of the Company’s activity causes the day-to-day interactions with the natural environment to happen. Consequently, being aware of the possible consequences, the companies aim at minimizing their influence on the environment and report about the actions undertaken in the systematized, clear and thorough way.
The report presented Azoty Tarnów Group’s strategic treatment of the issue, concerning balanced development and relevant standards of management as well as the ways of the Group’s progress. The significant part of the report regards the chapter on the environmental solutions, in which the companies present the activities undertaken in the areas of: water resource and waste manage-ment, emissions, noise and transport.
Azoty Tarnów, ZAK S.A. and Z.Ch. „Police” S.A. are also in charge of implementing the programme “Odpowiedzialność i Troska”, while their activities’ settlement confirmed for 2011 and the declara-tions for 2012 are the certification of their involvement and willingness for mastering and intensify-ing pro-environmental programmes.
Being responsible for the environment and maintaining the dialogue with the stakeholders is of the fundamental importance for Azoty Tarnów and its subsidiaries. Efficient communication and re-sponsible treatment of the customers, employees, business partners and the local community, certifies about the Group’s concern about the closest surroundings.