Grupa Kapitałowa Grupa Azoty
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1927 Państwowa Fabryka Związków Azotowych w Tarnowie (PFZA, State Works of Nitrogen Compounds in Tarnów) is established on the initiative of Ignacy Mościcki, the President of Poland.
1929 Completion of the Company’s construction; technological start-up of plants.
1930 Gala opening of the company with participation of state authorities - Ignacy Mościcki, the President and Kazimierz Bartel, the Prime Minister.
1931 Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski becomes the Managing Director of the Company.
1933 A merger of PFZA in Mościce and PFZA in Chorzów under the name of Zjednoczone Fabryki Związków Azotowych w Mościcach i Chorzowie (United Works of Nitrogen Compounds in Mościce and Chorzów).
1939 1939 - 1945 The Company holds the name "Stickstoffwerke Moscice" and like before the war it manufactures nitrogenous fertilizers, chlorine products and other chemical products.
1948 Restart of production after regaining, reconstructing and assembling machines and compressors by Polish specialists.
1950 The 1950s Execution of a six-year economic plan. Inauguration of caprolactam production used for the manufacture of artificial fibers and plastics, modernization and intensification of caprolactam production.
1960 The 1960s The Plants of "Tarnów II" are created - acetylene from natural gas and carbide, chlorine plant, acrylonitrile and polycrystalline silicon, VC and PVC, enlargement of power plant.
1970 The 1970s Modernization of the Company. Start-up of the gas synthesis plant for ammonia production, start-up of cyclohexanone production from benzene and cyclohexanone from phenol by one-stage method, intensification and modernization of synthesis plant and caprolactam purification. The Company becomes one of the biggest Polish producers of fertilizers, caprolactam, Tarnamid®, polyvinyl chloride, acrylonitrile, Tarflen® and methane chloroderivatives.