Grupa Kapitałowa Grupa Azoty
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How much dividend will Grupa Azoty pay?See more

A decision on payment of dividend and its amount will be made by the Annual General Meeting. Notice of the Meeting will be published by the Company in a separate current report. For information on General Meetings, see

Under the Strategy for 2021–2030, Grupa Azoty plans to distribute dividend at a level of at least 40% of consolidated net profit once the strategic capex programme (including projects designed to drive the Group’s energy transition) is completed. The payment of dividend in a given year will depend on the Group’s financial position and current investment needs.

The Strategy is available on the Company's website at: 

When do you intend to publish the annual report?See more

Pursuant to §80  point 1 of The Ordinance of the Minister of Finance dated 29th March 2018 on current and periodic information to be published by issuers of securities and on the conditions under which such information may be recognized as being equivalent to information required by the regulations of law of a state which is not a member state,  the Company submits a current report with publication dates of interim reports by the end of the first month of the financial year.

The current publication dates of interim reports are available in the calendar of key events on the website of Grupa Azoty. All changes to publication dates are submitted by the Company in current reports.

Does the Company plan to conduct a chat with the Chairman of the Management Board? If so, when?See more

The company organizes a quarterly meeting with the Vice President of the Management Board responsible, among others for finance in the form of an investor chat giving the opportunity to ask questions of representatives of Grupa Azoty in real time - e.g. in the form of a chat - about which we inform you via Grupa Azoty's website and mailing.

Are financial data available on the Company's website in a file for editing which I can download to my computer?See more

On the Azoty Group website, in the Investor Relations tab, Financial Information section, we present selected financial data and financial ratios for both consolidated and separate statements, in editable files.

Direct links to the data:

Do you hold open meetings/presentations, meetings with the Management Board or one-on-one meetings?See more

We make every effort to facilitate communication between Grupa Azoty and capital market participants. To this end, Grupa Azoty holds conferences after publishing its periodic reports which present and discuss the financial performance of the Company and the Group, publishes presentations on its website in Investor Relation tab and  results center. Summarises its results on Twitter. 

Grupa Azoty representatives also meet investors at one-on-one meetings and roadshows, and take part in conferences and meetings organised by capital market institutions.

Retail investors can also communicate with the Management Board at online chat sessions, which we make sure to hold regularly and which are constantly popular with our shareholders.

In addition, our Investor Relations Team is ready to respond to phone and email queries. Contact details are available on the website.

Are you planning to publish financial performance forecasts for the following year?See more

According to the rules adopted by the Management Board, Grupa Azoty S.A. does not release financial performance forecasts.

StrategySee more

The new Grupa Azoty Group Strategy for 2021-2030 was published on October 28, 2021. The presentation of the Strategy is available on the website at:

What is the total capex figure assumed for Grupa Azoty in the new strategy until 2030? See more

In addition to capex projects paving the way for Grupa Azoty’s transition towards the European Green Deal, a number of investments are also in the pipeline to diversify the Group’s product portfolio and optimise production processes. For more details, see the 2021–2030 Long-Term Investment Plan, which is updated on an ongoing basis as our business environment evolves.
