moderator: Welcome to our Q&A chat session with Paweł Łapiński, Vice President of the Grupa Azoty Management Board in charge of, among others, Investor Relations and Finance. The main topic of the meeting will be the company’s 2019 financial results.
moderator: A quick reminder of the rules of our chat room. First, you send your questions to the moderator. The questions selected by our guest will be published together with the answers. You can see the order of questions at the bottom of the screen. The moderator has the right to reject questions which do not comply with the rules.
moderator: Information for journalists reporting our session: when citing today’s chat you are required to specify the source. If you have any questions or doubts, please contact: ##qxjgd#at#hidrzlpirw.ea##.
moderator: You may ask your questions now. Our guest will start answering them at 10:00. If you can’t see the answers, please refresh the page. Participants are also encouraged to share the chat and comment on it on social media using the #chatStockWatch hashtag.
Paweł Łapiński: Hello. I’m glad to be able to talk to you again, this time via an online chat. I will be happy to answer your questions and provide you with information on the Group’s business and current market environment. All previous chats held via attracted strong interest. I hope this one will, too. You can ask your questions now.
abcabc: Hello. How is the drought affecting the company? Is it driving fertilizer consumption up or down? Is the company likely to benefit from low natural gas prices?
Paweł Łapiński: The current drought is having an adverse impact on the market for fertilizers, particularly nitrogen fertilizers. We can already see that in Poland today. Farmers have stopped applying fertilizer for winter cereals (2nd or 3rd dose) and are wondering which fertilizer application technology to choose for corn. The Group can benefit from that if farmers replace urea with the liquid fertilizer UAN. We have other crops in Poland, too, such as grassland, sugar beets. Rainfall in May and June could dramatically improve the situation here. The Group’s fertilizer business has moderately benefitted from low gas prices as prices of nitrogen fertilizers fell by over 10% in Poland and in the main markets of the European Union in late 2019 and early 2020.
inwestor_2k: Hello! What are the prices of fertilizers in Poland in the first quarter of the year?
Paweł Łapiński: Prices of nitrogen and compound fertilizers in the first quarter of 2020 were about 8%–15% lower year on year. The largest drops were recorded for Pulan and Zaksan nitrate fertilizers, and the smallest drops for Saletrosan nitrogen fertilizers with sulfur. As for the reasons for the declines, I would like to emphasise our position was completely different in terms of cost of natural gas – despite lower prices realised in the first quarter of 2020 no erosion in margins was reported.
Guest: Will a profit-sharing bonus be paid for 2019 to employees of Grupa Azoty S.A. of Tarnów? If so, when?
Paweł Łapiński: Last year’s performance was satisfactory, so I don’t see any reasons why the Management Board should not pass a resolution to pay an annual bonus to Grupa Azoty employees.
shareholder: Hello. Have you changed the budget assumptions for your project in Police given the current economic downturn?
Paweł Łapiński: Eleven financial institutions have agreed to lend us over one billion dollars for the Polimery Police project. We want all agreements to be signed within weeks. A positive lending decision issued by so many banks, who have analysed the investment model and all risks involved in the project, including those associated with the epidemic, is the answer to all those who would want to question the project and doubt it can be implemented. We are now negotiating the final terms of investment agreements with all the investors.
I would like to point out that construction of the units is to take just over two more years. The Polimery Police Project is currently progressing on schedule. Work on the fuel terminal (the port) and preparatory work on the main unit is bring carried out on a large scale.
PJ: Hello. First, I would like to wish you and all participants good health in this time. I’d like to talk about the natural gas market. Does Grupa Azoty plan to diversify its gas supplies any time soon and take advantage of the oversupply of US LNG, for instance by importing liquefied natural gas from the US via Świnoujście or Lithuania? Also, is Grupa Azoty taking measures to exploit the low price environment and lock in the price for future supplies?
Paweł Łapiński: Thank you very much wishing us health as we all need it. Let me wish the same for you.
Now moving on to your question. Grupa Azoty does not plan to diversify its gas supplies or import LNG from the US independently any time soon. Despite high consumption, an LNG ship and the speed of the regasification process would exceed our current capabilities. We’d have to store a large part of the gas, which would make the whole operation much more expensive. Secondly, all capacities at the Świnoujście terminal are booked. Importing LNG through Lithuania would entail the obligation to hold mandatory stocks, which would further increase the cost of the gas. Finally, cheap LNG reaching Europe directly influences prices on commodity exchanges, which serve as a benchmark in our pricing formulas. So, we are indirectly benefitting from the oversupply on the LNG market.
As for locking in prices for the coming years, natural gas is now cheap on the spot market, but not on the futures market. Prices of gas in futures contracts for next year delivery are about twice the spot price. Besides, locking in the price involves the obligation to take deliveries of the gas over the entire contract term, which poses considerable risks. We hedge against fluctuations in gas prices, but over shorter time horizons.
pasha: Will the Management Board recommend dividend payment, or is this unrealistic in the light of the massive investment outlays?
Paweł Łapiński: The Management Board is yet to issue a recommendation concerning the distribution of Grupa Azoty’s net profit for 2019. A relevant resolution should be passed in May, and we will promptly inform you about it in a current report. Having said that, I would like to remind you that the update of Grupa Azoty’s strategy for 2013–2020 states that the overriding objective of our financial structure is to ensure long-term financial security and internal coherence among all funding sources. The strategy also provides that, in justified cases like the implementation of an extensive investment programme or the risk of a downturn, the Management Board may recommend against a dividend payment. Of course, the final decision on the amount of a dividend always rests with the General Meeting.
Guest: Did the compounds unit generate any revenue in the fourth quarter, or was it a drag on performance, if only because of the depreciation expense?Paweł Łapiński: Revenue was recorded in the fourth quarter. The depreciation started in January 2020.
Picasso797: I have a question about export sales. Are there any problems with logistics?
Paweł Łapiński: Land logistics operators are working properly, and maritime logistics operations are also maintained, although some short delays occur. Logistics service fees are rising.
Guest: Was the sharp growth in salaries seen in the fourth quarter a result of employee bonuses, an increase in actuarial provisions or a pay rise?
Paweł Łapiński: Labour costs rose in the fourth quarter of 2019 chiefly on the back of an agreement signed with respect to length-of-service awards and retirement and disability severance payments in Grupa Azoty Police and an increase in actuarial and holiday provisions. The provision for annual bonus payments also increased given the strong performance delivered by the Group.
Matan: Why no reverse factoring inflows and only outflows are disclosed in the statement of cash flows?
Paweł Łapiński: Reverse factoring is presented separately in the statement of cash flows, with outflows (repayments) disclosed in cash flows used in financing activities and inflows disclosed in cash provided by operating activities.
Ludwix: When do you expect prices on the titanium white market to rebound?
Paweł Łapiński: The titanium white market is subject to seasonality and if normal market factors were in play this is what we would expect in the second quarter. But due to the current situation and the related volatility and market uncertainty we expect prices will rebound in the third quarter, assuming the pandemic will ease.
Totmes: Does Grupa Azoty hedge against fluctuations in energy prices using contracts on POLPX and if so to what extent?
Paweł Łapiński: Grupa Azoty has secured electricity supply for all companies in 2020. Its main electricity suppliers are Poland’s leading energy trading companies. Electricity is purchased on POLPX in small quantities as needed in order to adjust daily purchasing requirements.
PJ: Do you expect Covid-19 to have a negative impact on performance in the fertilizer business? Local authorities are looking for savings, and some have already announced cuts to spending on the maintenance of green areas. Should a major or a minor drop in demand be expected as a result of that?
Paweł Łapiński: Grupa Azoty’s fertilizers segment mainly serves farms engaged in growing basic crops: winter and spring cereals, oilseed rape, maize, sugar beet, potato and forage crops. We also serve the vegetable and fruit markets through Compo Expert. The maintenance of green areas is of marginal importance to Grupa Azoty.
Miron: What is the cost of the photovoltaic power station in Osiek?
Paweł Łapiński: The same as for most state-of-the-art professional photovoltaic micro-farms (an approximately 5 MW power station with an annual output of about 5 GWh built to meet the needs of a single industrial customer Grupa Azoty Kopalnie i Zakłady Chemiczne Siarki Siarkopol S.A.). Given the current status of the project, it is too early to share any details without consulting the project partner PGE Energia Odnawialna.
Miron: Hello. When do you expect the coal gasification project will be completed and commence commercial operation?
Paweł Łapiński: The coal gasification project has been a high-priority chemical, not energy, project, but we need an energy partner with a stable source of hard coal as the fuel. The energy partner is Tauron Polska Energia. Given the EU’s regulatory restrictions and uncertainty in the energy commodities market, I can’t tell you anything sure about the project’s time frame.
Pedro: Will the new power plant in Puławy just replace the existing capacities or will it also contribute to reducing the volumes of energy purchased on the market?
Paweł Łapiński: The new CHP plant at GA ZA Puławy is designed and balanced to meet the needs of our production plant in Puławy. We have repeatedly stated that we have no plans to enter the commercial power market or compete with energy companies. We may purchase small quantities of energy from time to time or sell energy ‘to the grid’.
Pedro: Do you think gas prices will remain low over the remainder of the year? Have the falling prices somewhat reduced the risk of fertilizers being imported from the east?
Paweł Łapiński: Current gas prices are favourable and, if the strong impact of these factors continues, the prices should remain at relatively low levels in 2020. However, the current situation in the oil market and geopolitical factors are creating uncertainty.
Guest: How much gas is used to make about one tonne of urea and how much urea is used to make melamine? Does unit consumption of natural gas significantly differ between NPK and nitrogen fertilizers?
Paweł Łapiński: The operating parameters of fertilizer units at Grupa Azoty are within the ranges provided for in BAT (Best Available Techniques).
In our production processes, we strive to maximise cost efficiencies by upgrading and increasing capacity utilisation of key units while optimising feedstock consumption.
Guest: Has Compo opened any new sales markets for Polish fertilizer plants?
Paweł Łapiński: Yes. Collaboration with the Compo Expert sales organisation has allowed us to acquire many new foreign customers who buy, either directly or indirectly, the Group’s fertilizer products made in Poland. This wouldn’t have been possible without the Compo Expert Group’s existing customer relationships and its international presence.
Guest: Did the company apply for subsidy payments in respect of energy costs under the electricity law and if so where are they disclosed in the financial statements?
Paweł Łapiński: Grupa Azoty did apply for energy price subsidies. They are presented as revenue.
Guest: Oil prices have recently slumped into negative territory. This situation has no precedent, so I would like to ask if and how the conditions in the oil market are affecting your business. Thank you.
Paweł Łapiński: Oil market swings are heavily affecting the plastic products chain. In April, we recorded a sharp drop in benzene and phenol prices. Contract prices fell by over EUR 400 per tonne on March. Spot prices of PA6 also declined significantly.
Guest: Hello. Expenditure incurred on the granulated fertilizer unit has almost reached budget (363/385) although the project is not due for completion until 2021. Do you expect the budget will be exceeded or the unit will start commercial operation ahead of schedule?
Paweł Łapiński: We are building two lines of mechanical granulation of nitrate fertilizers and shared logistics infrastructure in Puławy. So the project is a multi-stage process. We are considering building an additional unit, so extending the completion deadline and increasing the budget would be reasonable.
Trawiak: The strategy mentions completion of the Group’s consolidation process. Six years have passed since the Puławy acquisition and the consolidation and synergy implementation process has not yet been completed? Why is this taking so long?
Paweł Łapiński: By all means the consolidation process has been completed and synergies have been achieved, as communicated to the market in our reports. We have appetite for more and since the time horizon of our current strategy is 2020 it shouldn’t come as a surprise that, being a forward-looking organisation, we have started work on the Group’s strategy until 2030.
Guest: How is the company functioning during the epidemic? Have you reduced the number of employees per shift? Is this affecting performance? Have any employees contracted the coronavirus?
Paweł Łapiński: Grupa Azoty is operating without major disruptions and has implemented all safety measures and actions designed to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. No major employee absenteeism has been reported that could affect production efficiency. We have had three cases of COVID-19 but with no significant impact on the Group’s operations. Where possible, work is performed remotely.
Paweł Łapiński: Thank you for interesting questions. I am glad to see you’re interested in Grupa Azoty. We’re out of time, so we must say goodbye. I wish everyone good health. Thank you for being here with me today. See you again next time.
moderator: On behalf of, I would like to thank you for an interesting discussion and invite you to our future chat sessions.
Investor webchat - fundamental situation and results of the Azoty Group companies after the first three quarters of 2019 and the ongoing Public Offer with Pre-emptive Rights at the Azoty Police S.A.
At Thursday 10th of October 2019, an investor chat was held with Mr Paweł Łapiński, Vice-President of Grupa Azoty S.A. responsible i.a. for finance. The meeting was mainly devoted to financial results generated by the Azoty Group companies in the first half of 2019.
At Tuesday 28th of May 2019, an investor chat was held with Mr Paweł Łapiński, Vice-President of Grupa Azoty S.A. responsible i.a. for finance. The meeting was devoted to financial results first quarter of 2019.
At Tuesday 18th of Sptember 2018, an investor chat was held with Mr Paweł Łapiński, Vice-President of Grupa Azoty S.A. responsible i.a. for finance. The meeting was devoted to financial results first half of 2018.
At Wednesday 25th of April 2018, an investor chat was held with Mr Paweł Łapiński, Vice-President of Grupa Azoty S.A. responsible for finance. The meeting was devoted to financial results for the year 2017.
At Wedesday. 22nd of November, an investor chat was held with Mr Paweł Łapinski, Vice-President of Grupa Azoty S.A. responsible for finance. The meeting was devoted to financial results for the Q3 2017.
At Tuesday, 5th of September, an investor chat was held with Mr Paweł Łapiński, Vice-President of Grupa Azoty S.A. responsible for finance. The meeting was devoted to financial results for the first half of 2017.
At Tuesday, 16th of May, an investor chat was held with Mr Paweł Łapiński, Vice-President of Grupa Azoty S.A. responsible for finance. The meeting was devoted to financial results for the first quarter of 2017 and the 2013-2020 Strategy, updated by the Management Board.
At 14:00 on Monday, November 14th, an investor webchat was held with Mr Paweł Łapiński, Vice-President of Grupa Azoty S.A. responsible for finance.
At 12:00 on Thursday, September 8th, an investor webchat was held with Mr Paweł Łapiński, Vice-President of Grupa Azoty S.A. responsible for finance.
At 13:13 on Friday, May 13th, an investor webchat was held with Mr Andrzej Skolmowski, Vice-President of Grupa Azoty S.A. for Finance.
At 12:00 am on Friday, March 18th, an investor webchat was held with Mr Andrzej Skolmowski, Vice-President of Grupa Azoty S.A. for Finance.
At 11:00 am on Wednesday, November 21st, a webchat was held with Andrzej Skolmowski, Vice-President of the Management Board of Grupa Azoty S.A. responsible for finance.
At 10:00am on Friday, March 27th, StockWatch held a webchat with representatives of Grupa Azoty S.A. The participants’ questions were answered by Mr Andrzej Skolmowski, Vice-President of the Management Board of Grupa Azoty S.A. responsible for finance.
At 12:00 noon on Friday, November 21st, a webchat was held with Andrzej Skolmowski, Vice-President of the Management Board of Grupa Azoty S.A. responsible for finance.
At 12:00 noon on Monday, September 22nd, a webchat was held with Andrzej Skolmowski, Vice-President of the Management Board of Grupa Azoty S.A., hosted by the Polish Association of Individual Investors.
At 11:30 am on Monday, May 26th, a webchat was held with Andrzej Skolmowski, Vice-President of the Management Board of Grupa Azoty S.A., hosted by the Polish Association of Individual Investors.