Grupa Kapitałowa Grupa Azoty
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Grupa Azoty for the 10th time in the RESPECT Index
Grupa Azoty for the 10th time in the RESPECT Index
On December 14th, the list of stocks included in the tenth edition of the RESPECT Index was announced in the Listing Room of the Warsaw Stock Exchange. This year, the index included a record number of twenty five companies. It is Grupa Azoty S.A.’s enormous success to find itself among the eight companies that have been continuously included in the index since its launch in 2009.

The RESPECT Index is the first index in Central and Eastern Europe which recognises companies for their corporate responsibility records. The project’s partners are the Polish Association of Listed Companies and Deloitte. The purpose of the RESPECT project is to bring to light the companies whose communication with the market through current and periodic reports and through websites is beyond reproach. The third condition relates to socially responsible conduct vis à vis the environment, the community and the employees. The RESPECT Index therefore highlights the stocks it includes as attractive investments.

To be included in the Index, candidates must first undergo a three-stage review process, which comprises a detailed audit carried out at their offices. For Grupa Azoty S.A., this was another edition in which the process covered not only the parent, but the Grupa Azoty Group’s key four companies: Grupa Azoty S.A., Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY, Grupa Azoty POLICE, and Grupa Azoty ZAK. 

This year saw the 10th edition of the index. To mark the anniversary, the WSE conducted a review of the index’s performance which showed that the stocks included in this index offer a higher rate of return than the average market rate of return on the WIG index. Between November 19th 2009 and December 13th 2016, that is over the seven years of the index’s existence, its value rose by more than 50%. In the same period, the broad market index WIG grew by 28%.
