Grupa Kapitałowa Grupa Azoty
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Grupa Azoty included in CEEplus, a new index of stock exchanges from the Three Seas Initiative countries
Grupa Azoty included in CEEplus, a new index of stock exchanges from the Three Seas Initiative countries
On September 4th 2019, during the Economic Forum in Krynica-Zdrój, representatives of stock exchanges from the Visegrad Group countries (Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary), Croatia, Romania and Slovenia signed a letter of intent to launch a new stock exchange index of companies from the Three Seas Initiative countries – CEEplus.

The index portfolio includes more than 100 of the most liquid companies listed on stock exchanges in Central and Eastern Europe: in Bratislava, Bucharest, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague, Warsaw and Zagreb, with Grupa Azoty among them.

The index is calculated and published by the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Index information will be made available once a day on the basis of closing prices from all the constituent markets, and then converted at the exchange rates quoted by the National Bank of Poland into the local currencies, the euro and the US dollar. In the near future, CEEplus will become the underlying for a TFI PZU passive fund, called inPZU CEEplus, which may increase investors’ interest in the issuers included in the index.

The new regional index, an initiative of stock exchanges from the Three Seas Initiative countries, has been introduced in response to the expectations of investors, who have voiced the need to aggregate CEE companies in one index.
