Grupa Kapitałowa Grupa Azoty
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WallStreet 2017
W dniach 2 – 4 czerwca 2017 roku w Karpaczu odbędzie się 21 konferencja WallStreet organizowana przez Stowarzyszenie Inwestorów Indywidualnych.
Investor webchat Q1 2017 results and Strategy update
At Tuesday, 16th of May, an investor chat was held with Mr Paweł Łapiński, Vice-President of Grupa Azoty S.A. responsible for finance. The meeting was devoted to financial results for the first quarter of 2017 and the 2013-2020 Strategy, updated by the Management Board.
Year-on-year increase in Grupa Azoty Group’s revenue in Q1 2017
In the first quarter of 2017, the Grupa Azoty Group recorded consolidated revenue of PLN 2.69bn, up over PLN 200m (9%) year on year, with EBITDA in excess of PLN 447m and net profit of PLN 250m. The Company also updated the 2013–2020 strategy.
Grupa Azoty publishes 2016 results
In 2016, the Grupa Azoty Group earned revenue of nearly PLN 9bn, reporting EBITDA of more than PLN 1bn with EBITDA margin of 11.2%, and net profit of PLN 375m with net profit margin of 4.2%.
Analysts of BOŚ Brokerage House: HOLD on Grupa Azoty S.A. shares.
On 26th of April analysts of BOŚ Brokerage House recommended HOLD on Grupa Azoty S.A. shares, with the target price set at PLN 70.00. On the date of the report , the share price was PLN 70.58.
Analysts of Vestor Brokerage House: SELL on Grupa Azoty S.A. shares.
On 25th april 2017 analysts of Vestor Brokerage House recommended SELL Grupa Azoty S.A. shares, with the target price set at PLN 62.1.