Grupa Kapitałowa Grupa Azoty
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BZ WBK Brokerage House: SELL on Grupa Azoty S.A. shares
Analysts of BZ WBK Brokerage House upheld their SELL recommendation for Grupa Azoty S.A., and increased the target price to PLN 52.50.
BOŚ Brokerage House: SELL on Grupa Azoty S.A. shares
Analysts of BOŚ Brokerage House upheld their SELL recommendation for Grupa Azoty S.A., and increased the target price to PLN 64.30.
Grupa Azoty contracts a credit facility for investment projects
Grupa Azoty has signed a revolving credit facility agreement with a bank syndicate for financing of the Group's corporate needs, including investment projects. Under the agreement, Grupa Azoty will receive PLN 1.5bn, which will be used to finance the investment programme provided for in the Group's strategy until 2020.
Grupa Azoty S.A.’s website in the finals of the Golden Website Award competition
On April 16th 2015, the Polish Association of Listed Companies (SEG) published the results of the second stage of the Golden Website Award competition.
UniCredit CAIB: SELL on Grupa Azoty S.A. shares
Analysts of UniCredit CAIB upheld their SELL recommendation for Grupa Azoty S.A., and increased the target price to PLN 67.00.
Bring your questions to our investor webchat
Please be informed that a webchat will be held on Friday, March 27th 2015, at 10:00am, in which Andrzej Skolmowski, Vice-President of the Grupa Azoty Management Board (finance) will be answering your questions about the company's current situation and growth prospects in the context of the recently published financial results for 2014 year.