Grupa Kapitałowa Grupa Azoty
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Good Year of Grupa Azoty – Results for 2012
The previous year was for Grupa Azoty a year of changes and dynamic progress.
Azoty Tarnów Announced a Bid for 16.3% Stake in Puławy
Zakłady Azotowe w Tarnowie-Mościcach S.A. (”Azoty Tarnów”) announced a public tender offer for the sale of 3 114 891 shares in Zakłady Azotowe Puławy S.A. (”ZA Puławy”) representing 16.3 % votes at the general meeting of the Company.
Wood&Company Analysts: “sell” for shares in Azoty Tarnów
In report of 18th February 2013 Analysts of Wood&Company downgraded its recommendation for shares in Azoty Tarnów from “buy” to “sell” and lowered the target price of the shares from 61.20 PLN to 51 PLN.
Azoty Tarnów Shares in the MSCI Indexes
Morgan Stanley Capital International, the prestigious American institution and the pioneer of equipping with the tools that support investment decision-making, informed about the inclusion of Zakłady Azotowe w Tarnowie-Mościcach S.A. in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index on 19th February 2013.
ING Securities Analysts: “sell” for shares in Azoty Tarnów
In report of 28th January 2013 Analysts of ING Securities Brokerage House downgraded its recommendation for shares in Azoty Tarnów from “buy” to “sell” and lowered the target price of the shares from 51.10 PLN to 49.70 PLN.
Raiffeisen Centrobank Analysts: “buy” for shares in Azoty Tarnów
Raiffeisen Centrobank started to issue its recommendations for Azoty Tarnów with "buy" and established the target price at the level of 67 PLN.